All accounted for.

Just a quick update to let you all know…I’ve updated some of my other sites, and wanted to let you in on it just incase you’re members of the same sites! For instance, I am now twittering and I continue to update my Flickr account whenever possible....
Corn of Plenty

Corn of Plenty

It seems that I’ve fallen off the blog train lately, haven’t I? *tsk-tsk-tsk … * Well, Jason and I have been photographing my new ArtDress (we’re talkin’ stunningly beautiful photos, people!)—and there are new bags in progress, coin...
Bring On the Elves!

Bring On the Elves!

Because I could sure use some help around here! First of all, I cannot believe all this talk about Christmas already. (We still have TWO holidays to go before Christmas, people! Stop and enjoy them!) But I suppose that’s just me, the master-procrastinator...
Ode to Gourds

Ode to Gourds

I’ve been meaning to write an entry here about my good friend Jennifer Zingg and her gourd art…and just today she sent me a link to a newspaper article which features her work! So I thought, what better time than NOW? As a person who is getting over some...