I’ve been practicing free-motion quilting. Mainly I’ve been practicing forcing my machine to do it’s free-motion-thing for me…But when it’s cooperating, the sun shines through and all is wonderful and right with the world.
(Doesn’t it seem that way with every machine, no matter how shiny and new? There always seems to be a fickle, impudent little beast hiding inside it somewhere…I swear it’s not only me…)
These little watercolor-like sketches—about 8 inches square—are a small start to something big, I just know it! I’m envisioning these on a huge scale.
I’ve painted these with heat-settable fabric paint, treating the paints like I would watercolors. It’s a bit unpredictable, but a lot of fun 🙂 I’ve also done trapunto in some areas, so photographic experimentation will be required to discover the best way to “capture” them. The flat-bed scanner doesn’t really cut it for me.